Terms & Definitions

Terms and Definitions



Describes the software assisting users in managing, storing, and exchanging their credentials through protocol-defined controllers.


Descriptive data about a characteristic of a Subject (e.g., date of birth).


An assertion made or declared about a subject.


A person who assumes a role in the myBID ecosystem. (e.g., Issuer, Verifier or Holder).

Data minimisation

Minimal required data to successfully accomplish a task.

Decentralized identifier (DID)

A globally unique persistent identifier generated and/or registered cryptographically in a VC based wallet.

Decentralized identifier document

Accessible data using a verifiable credential registry that contains information related to a specific DID. It is also known as a DID document (DIDComm) and is analogous to public key information.


An entity that holds a credential and asserts claims on a credential by forming presentations.

Identity Hub

A secured cloud-based off-chain decentralized storage for securing and controlling personal data by data owners themselves. They allow users to store and control their sensitive data with their Web3 Identity wallet.

Independent Identity Provider (IDP)

Open standard decentralized authentication protocol that uses OAuth 2.0 to grant access tokens.


A role an Entity can perform by asserting claims about subjects to create verifiable credentials, and transmitting the credential to a Holder.

myBID, MBID or myBID Token

Represents the MyBID token.


Data organized by assertion of claims on verifiable credentials for the purpose of presentation to verifying entities. Tamper-resistant and encoded with cryptography.

Selective Disclosure

Function of limiting data exposure for sharing and verification.


A thing or person about which claims are made. In the context of myBID, it can be synonymous with the Holder.


A process to ensure tamper-proof credential and valid assertion of claims by verification.

Verifiable Credential

A tamper-resistant credential with embedded data such as authorship that can be cryptographically verified. It forms the basis for verifiable presentations.

Verifiable Data Registry

The blockchain ledger that supports the creation, definition, revocation, and verification of credentials.


A role of an entity that is processing and tries to confirm a certain credential's validity.


A Uniform Resource Identifier, as defined by [RFC3986].

Last updated